🪙 Sources of income

The income accruing from taxation

We aim to build a sustainable business that shares income fairly with the community.

House edge

Games will, on average, provide BetSwirl with revenues in cryptocurrencies thanks to the games house edge, like a regular gambling venture.

Initially, the house edge is 3% on all won games for MATIC, BNB, ETH, AVAX, and 2.5% for BETS, and 3.5% for partner tokens. It is taken from the total won bet payout: bet amount + profit.

Analytics: PvP and PvH dashboard, DefiLlama, Token Terminal

Azuro's operator

BetSwirl acts as an Azuro front-end operator/affiliate and earns 60% of the profit.

Analytics: Sport betting dashboard

Idle treasury

BetSwirl will diversify and allocate idle treasury funds into various DeFi protocols.

We can add BTC, ETH, or whatever token the community chooses. We will use the treasury to swap and add the token liquidity to the bank, partner with projects, or request the liquidity to the community.